Like hardware and software - creative, functional and beautiful results come from understanding context, content and framework.

We create better solutions - with you!

Bekkelagsbadet - Oslo, Norway
Photo courtesy of Tove Lauluten


Vores praksis spΓ¦nder fra konceptudvikling, design og rΓ₯dgivning til produktion, montage og implementering. Selvom vores praksis er divers og opererer indenfor spektret mellem objekt/inventar og landskab, er alle projekter forundet af en forstΓ₯else af kontekst og brugere, funtionlitet og rumlig kreativitet.

Med fuld opmΓ¦rksomhed pΓ₯ detlajer og funktion, uden at gΓ₯ pΓ₯ kompromis med den overordnede vision, tror vi pΓ₯ vΓ¦rdien i tvΓ¦rfaglig viden og arbejde, og i at vΓ¦kste og vΓ¦rne om et allerede omfattende netvΓ¦rk af talentfulde folk og samarbejdspartnere.

Se projekter og lΓΈsninger nedenfor og via top-menuen - og kontakt os hvis du ΓΈnsker flere detaljer og oplysninger!

Our practice spans from concept development, design and consultancy to production and execution. While our work is diverse, operating within the spectrum of object to landscape, our projects are linked by an understanding of context and users, functionality and spatial creativity.

With attention to detail and function, without compromising the overall vision, we believe in the power of interdesciplinary work, nurturing and growing an already extensive network of talented partners and people.

Browse projects and designed objects below and via the top menu - and please feel free to get in touch for details and enquiries!


We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Please get in touch and we will contact you about the process.